Saturday, July 21, 2007

the beginning of classes, professing my love for and disappointment in stumbleupon

my fellow aussie students, welcome to the university 2007 spring session. My, does time fly or what? It feels like a week ago that i finished my final exams. in practice, it's been four and i barely saw it pass by.

well, apart from that, you should know that i am an avid stumbler. it's not unusual for me to spend 3 hours just randomly going through websites using 2 firefox browser windows at once. and oh, the stuff that i've found out on there! for example, did you know that you can stop an atom from moving by freezing it? or that there are tons (figuratively, of course) of e-books you can read for free (i knew that before, thanks to cory doctorow, but still).

today, i've found two beautiful articles on there:

one about how former police officers, judges and other law enforcement personnel really feel about prohibition.

another about a guy who dodged taxes for TEN YEARS AND WON THE COURT CASE TRYING TO INDICT HIM (yes, it is true)! Consider the dictom that death and taxes will always catch up and tell me it wasn't worth the upper case "scream".

To be honest, stumbleupon has saved me from a pretty boring browsing experience over and over again, and i really like it. There are several things i wouldn't mind seeing, though:

true randomness: it's not uncommon for Stumbleupon to come up with the same website twice or even three times. it's happened to me more often recently. here's a tip, Stumbleupon; if you want more websites on stumble, try and include an "i feel like random" channel in your Toolbar.
that'd definitely be a favorite.

a zero-toolbar browsing option: sure, you can check out all the newly found websites on the Stumbleupon main website, but if you are marooned on someone else's computer, it'd be nice indeed to be able to stumble from the website itself.

a new front page: seriously guys, the front page hasn't changed in months. i should know, the SAME DAMN WEBSITES were up on the "welcome" page when i first downloaded the toolbar. What the hell would it take to bloody well get you to change the &#*%ers? it's not like they're even ^*&%ing interesting (seriously, i've checked them out. THEY ARE BORING)! so please, put some new websites up on the welcome page. it is seriously annoying the hell out of me.

So yes, i love stumbleupon, but it is not at its full potential yet. i hope that somebody reads this, says "i like it" and brings this fact to Stumbleupon's attention. to my fellow stumblers and students, i wish you goodbye and good luck. have fun!

update: stumbleupon HAS actually gone and done the browser-based stumbling, though it's still pretty limited (mostly demo site stuff). They still haven't changed the goddamn front page links, though... come on!

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